Coming Back to Awareness with Amaranatho

This week I speak with Amaranatho, who was a Buddhist monk for 15 years under the guidance of a very well respected teacher in the Thervada Buddhist tradition, Ajahn Sumedho. Ajahn Sumedho was one of the original Western disciples under Ajahn Chah, one of the great masters of the Thai Forest tradition of the 20th century. At many points in our conversation you can hear through Amaranatho’s voice the simplicity and clarity of Ajahn Chah’s repeated instructions to “rest in the one who knows,” to recognize awareness itself as the ground of all experience.

Episode Details:

As Amaranatho was a Buddhist monk for 15 years and has now been “in the world” as a mindfulness based executive coach, he is in a unique position to offer insight into this question in which I’m increasingly interested: how to interpret the profound wisdom teachings of Theravada Buddhism (a monastic tradition) to those of us living life as a “householders,” in the modern world? Which of these practices can serve us well? And what should be modified or discarded?

That’s a big question and Amaranatho and I only scratched the surface of it, but I think you’ll enjoy the depth of wisdom he had to share.

Guest Bio:

Amaranatho was a Buddhist monk for 15 years who has spent long periods alone, dealing with uncertainty and contemplating the deeper questions in life. He has a degree in AI, been a world explorer and is a supervisor and mentor to mindfulness teachers, facilitators and spiritual leaders. He works one to one with contemplatives and meditators that are stuck in their practice you can find more at

As a mindfulness based executive coach he helps leaders, teams and organisations to stay calm and connected in complex situations so they can awaken to their true potential, by using the PlayfulMonk approach he developed more at

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