Adrian Cox of Yoga Elements on the Science of Pranayama, Mantra & Meditation

In the first episode of Hacking the Self I speak with Adrian Cox, owner of Yoga Elements in Bangkok, Thailand, on the science of pranayama, mantra and meditation.

Guest Bio:

Adrian Cox is the owner of Yoga Elements in Bangkok, Thailand. An engineer by training, Adrian left his IT job in New York City in the late 90s to study meditation and yoga in Nepal and Thailand before eventually starting his studio, Yoga Elements, in Bangkok in 2001. Since that time Adrian has developed Yoga Elements into one of the premier yoga studios in Asia, drawing excellent teachers from around the world for workshops and trainings.

Episode Details:

We discuss several tools of yoga: asana (the physical practice), pranayama (breathing exercises or techniques for channeling energy), mantra (the power of sound or vibration) and meditation.


0:05-11:02: The Purpose of the Hacking Consciousness Podcast (now called the Hacking The Self Podcast)

11:02-12:10: Introduction to guest #1: Adrian Cox

12:10-23:20:  The intellect vs. intuition

23:30-27:30: Yoga as a tool for Hacking Consciousness

27:30-30:25: Asana: The physical practice of yoga

30:25-:39:30: Pranayama: Breathing exercises, or channeling energy

39:30:1:04: Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Mantra

1:04-1:06: How to connect with Adrian Cox online and in person

1:06-1:08: Final show notes

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Myth, Metaphor and Mantra: The Power of Language and Narrative with Susanna Harwood Rubin