Art is The Lie That Reveals The Truth
Kali on top of Shiva
The Goddess dancing
Across time and space
The nature of our own mind
The display of consciousness
Are like reflections in a mirror
Art, like people, illuminate our shadows
They unveil the defilements that obstruct the view
I came across the creative work of this artist:
It was fascinating to see
How people were offended by the creative license he exercised
What does it feel like in the body-mind
When we're judging someone?
Open or contracted?
Curiosity transforms our experience
Curiosity opens the body-mind
To dance with this play of consciousness
This is what good art evokes in us
Awe, devotion, aversion, horror
Revealing all of the rasas of experience
As Picasso said:
"Art is the lie that reveals the truth."
We have to push on our edges to discover our boundaries
To find those places where we say here, not there, now, not then
A chance to see our unconscious impulses
Of judgment and pride
Anger and self righteousness
Our impulse to possess this experience
To impose our view on others
Is a form of subtle aggression
How conflict takes root in the world
But when awareness looks for the one who has these judgments
Or looks for the one who finds herself enraptured
Can you locate a meditator?
Or simply thoughts, feelings, sensations?
From the perspective of awakening
There is always and already
Just this play of consciousness
What is this mystery?
When the mind gently turns inward
And looks for the meditator
Again and again
What do you find?
As recognition slowly dawns
As dust clears from the mirror
As sediment settles at the bottom of a lake
Reflections become vividly clear
Like a clear blue sky
The true nature of the mind
Appearances inseparable from the mirror
Radiant dharmakaya
Shiva and Shakti dancing
The union of intelligence and energy
Stillness and movement
Space and luminosity
It helps to use maps and symbols
Metaphors and analogies
To point the mind
Towards that which is beyond concepts
What appears "outside"
Interdependent with that which is "inside"
Perceiving, the perceiver, the object of perception
The Triadic Heart of Shiva
When light breaks us open at just the right angles
We see our own shadow
Revealing all of the flavors of experience
Art is the lie that reveals the truth.